How To Make a Referral
Parents are eligible for our support services if they live in the Scottish Borders and are struggling with their mental or emotional health and well-being or if they have been diagnosed with a mental illness (like postnatal depression or anxiety). We can also support mums when their personal circumstances mean they may be vulnerable to developing a perinatal mental illness.
The following questions may help you identify if the service is the right support, however if you’re still not sure please get in touch and we can discuss your situation.
Are you pregnant or do you have a baby under the age of two?
Are you concerned about emotional/mental wellbeing?
Are you worried about bonding with your baby?
Have you been diagnosed with a perinatal mental illness?
Have you lost interest in things or are you feeling really slowed down?
Are you staying at home a lot or feeling unable to/worried about going out?
Are you feeling anxious or stressed about things that normally wouldn’t worry you?
Have you suffered mental health problems in the past?
Are you on medication for depression/anxiety?
Do you have a limited support networks and/or are you feeling alone?
Did you have/Are you having difficulties during your pregnancy?
Did you find the birth traumatic?
If you answer yes to one or more of the above the Nurture the Borders may well be able to support you.
Self Referral
Women are able to self-refer to our service if they meet our referral criteria at any point within their perinatal period.
Third Party Referral
We are also able to accept referrals from third parties including GP's, Midwives, Health Visitors, Mental Health Teams and third sector agencies if the woman has consented to the referral.